
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Orthodox Christmas 2012

My second Christmas this holiday season, and my second Orthodox Christmas in the States. We decided to keep it quiet and simple, have some food (and gifts, of course) and invite my father-in-law over for a family night. As for menu, Dave was really craving Thanksgiving food - I think because last year we skipped it (read here why). 

I didn’t see any problems with that but my cooking adventure started with an epic fail - I forgot to thaw the turkey:((( My fault, but my wonderful husband came to my rescue and while I was watching pirozhki being baked in the oven, he rushed to the store and brought two giant turkey legs already cooked and a nice piece of ham. I was saved!

Thanks God we didn’t have a big party planned - I would be embarrassed but everything happens for a reason, like my Mom says, and everything else I planned to make worked out and we had a very nice dinner. 

Our menu included: turkey, mashed potato, gravy, sweet potato (2 colors), cranberry sauce, honey-glazed ham, green beans, bread stuffing, Russian salad, pirozhki w/cabbage, potato rolls, and chocolate pudding for dessert. Don’t forget Martinelli’s sparkling cider. Time to go on a diet:) 

Merry Christmas! Счастливого Рождества!


Anna said...

Поздравляю тебя со светлым Праздником Рождества Христова! Happy Christmas, dear! Time goes so fast... Your second Christmas in the States already. Everything looks absolutely gorgeous and simply tasty!

Unknown said...

С Рождеством! Thanks:)